Can you believe the chaotic state of politics in BC?
First you have the NDP that occupies centre left which is as it should be, then you have the Conservatives on the right which is also as it should be, then you have the BC Liberals on the right of right which is about as far from the real Liberals historical place in the political spectrum as you can get.
Maple Ridge for example has a so called Liberal MLA Mark Dalton that was far to Conservative for even the Conservative party, now Christy Clark wants to replace him with a federal Conservative Terry Becker, which undoubtedly would be a small step in the right direction at least.
How can you believe anything the BC Lieberals say when even their brand is a lie.
The BC lieberals should for the sake of everybody in the middle of the political spectrum at least change their name to something more in line with their true nature ( pick one), then maybe a legitimate centrist party could emerge for those of us who are literally out in the cold at this time in history.
For all intents and purposes the provincial Liberal brand is ruined as far as a centre, center-right political vehicle and will be for at least the next few decades, something is desperately needed to fill that political vacuum, and give BC voters a clear honest choice for which party they mark their X on.
Looking back it was a sad day for the Liberal brand and centrists like myself when Gordon Campbell deposed Gordon Wilson as the Liberal leader.
Wayne Clark
Wayne & Belle

Sassamat Lake
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Sunday, 28 August 2011
The people have spoken, get over it
Oh what a tangled web we weave,when at first we practice to deceive!
Kevin Falcon still doesn’t get it, he was right and we the public are wrong and now we are to be punished for our stupidity.
I definitely do not want this man on any BC government negotiating team dealing with the the ultimate resolution of the defunct HST, he rants on about the billions that the citizens of BC will have to pay the Federal government.
First the Federal governments hands and in particular Mr. Harpers are definitely not clean in the brazen attempt to undemocratically impose this huge HST tax grab on the citizens of BC, Steven Harper was all to aware how totally wrong as well as undemocratic this whole failed tax grab was, and the $1.6 billion would have just been another transfer payment for a have-not province thanks to the gross financial mismanagement of BCs economy under the BC Fiberals, never mind all the extra money that has already been collected with our supposedly revenue neutral HST.
I might remind Mr. Falcon that the citizens of BC have already been punished financially, paying hundreds and in many cases thousands of extra tax dollars in HST over the last year and will continue to do the same for another 1 1/2 to 2 years.
I might remind Mr. Falcon that the citizens of BC have already been punished financially, paying hundreds and in many cases thousands of extra tax dollars in HST over the last year and will continue to do the same for another 1 1/2 to 2 years.
If the BC Fiberals or the Federal Conservatives have any thoughts about punishing the citizens of BC further for the democratic rejection of the undemocratic HST outrage foisted on to the people of BC, they had better rethink their strategy as the other foot has yet to come down.
If any of them want to survive this fiasco they had better make it go away as quickly, quietly and painlessly as humanly possible.
The Fiberals are the bad guys here, not the voters of BC.
Wayne Clark
Friday, 12 August 2011
Sorry to see you go Michael
I first met Mr. Michael Sather MLA down at the dyke enjoying one of his passions, bird watching and the great outdoors. Since that time I have watched him fight the good fight many times no matter who it was with, with passion, integrity and a lot of common sense, he always seems to be on the right side of an issue. He elegantly fights for the underdog, social injustice, heath care issues, environmental recklessness, lies, hypocrisy, corruption, financial irresponsibility, he was always there when asked to voice my concerns in Victoria, and contrary to popular belief I am not NDP but am definitely moving in that direction lately.
Unfortunately the one thing this particular BC Liberal government can’t tolerate is the truth and because of that fact Mr. Sather has paid the price for not doing as many as his fellow MLAs do, just polish a seat with their high paid butts and yelling out YES whenever prompted, basically just putting in time until such time they can collect that gilded pension.
This was not easy for Mr. Sather as our present government has ways to punish anyone that speaks out against it’s policies, it might surprise you that our MLA Mr. Sather was for example not invited to the official openings of the Pitt river bridge or the Golden Ears bridge, but he showed up anyway, that is how they keep the sheeple in line, ostracize, shun, exclude, they tried everything but it never once cowed Mr. Sather, he just kept doing what he knew was right.
Maple Ridge and it’s human as well as wildlife inhabitants and yes BC as a whole will sorely miss Michaels unshakable ethics and unfaltering passion for the underdog and the environment.
I know if BC had even a dozen warriors like Michael no matter what their political strips I would find a lot less issues to pick up a pen and register my disapproval or disgust whatever the case may be.
Thank you Michael for your exceptional service you will leave some big shoes to fill, I am sure we have not heard the last of you even if you are no longer in politics.
Wayne Clark
Unfortunately the one thing this particular BC Liberal government can’t tolerate is the truth and because of that fact Mr. Sather has paid the price for not doing as many as his fellow MLAs do, just polish a seat with their high paid butts and yelling out YES whenever prompted, basically just putting in time until such time they can collect that gilded pension.
This was not easy for Mr. Sather as our present government has ways to punish anyone that speaks out against it’s policies, it might surprise you that our MLA Mr. Sather was for example not invited to the official openings of the Pitt river bridge or the Golden Ears bridge, but he showed up anyway, that is how they keep the sheeple in line, ostracize, shun, exclude, they tried everything but it never once cowed Mr. Sather, he just kept doing what he knew was right.
Maple Ridge and it’s human as well as wildlife inhabitants and yes BC as a whole will sorely miss Michaels unshakable ethics and unfaltering passion for the underdog and the environment.
I know if BC had even a dozen warriors like Michael no matter what their political strips I would find a lot less issues to pick up a pen and register my disapproval or disgust whatever the case may be.
Thank you Michael for your exceptional service you will leave some big shoes to fill, I am sure we have not heard the last of you even if you are no longer in politics.
Wayne Clark
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Broken record
Tom fletcher never ceases to amaze with his own particular paradox of ultra right-wing blather.
It seems Mr. Campbell was once again just a victim of circumstance with the HST, although I would agree that Steven Harper is the main instigator for the HST, which diminishes Mr. Fletchers case that it was the provincial budget that triggered Campbell’s panicked grab for the HST.
I am always amazed how the right goes whichever way the wind blows, it was a bad, economically disastrous, stupid NDP idea to encourage and foster shipbuilding in BC but now that it is a rightwing idea, what a great idea. It seems that it isn’t the idea that matters at all but who comes up with the idea.
Your customary dig at public servants, the teachers and the "No Tankers” sign makes for a good sound bite, but as you well know what they are talking about is SUPER TANKERS and no one in their right mind would consent to those exclusively deep sea designed craft
(oil bomb) plying the fragile inland waters of BC, only someone with a total disregard for the ecology of this province would promote this guaranteed recipe for disaster.
I guess you once again failed to notice that Greece, iceland, Ireland all failed because they tried to emulate the same right wing voodoo economics you Mr. Fletcher rattle off religiously every week, the same failed system George W. Bush and a lot of help from the likes of Goldman Sakes and their masters the CIA managing to bring Greece and the rest of the the world to it’s knees with the same old discredited trickle down nonsence, low or no taxes, deregulate, deregulate, get the government off the backs of business, give business whatever they want no matter what the cost, the rich pay nothing, you keep what you steal, the man with the most toys wins.
You said a while ago that if anyone had a better idea to tell you, but I am afraid you can not fill a cup that is already full, and the only direction you can possibly fathom is further to the right.
Wayne Clark
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