Mr. Falcons column is a clear reason why everybody should be voting YES on the HST referendum, he has obviously not learned one thing from this whole undemocratic costly nightmare, he continues to lie to our faces
quote "if you are in favour of lower taxes and a 10 percent HST, you should vote “NO’ on your ballot” unquote.
quote "if you are in favour of lower taxes and a 10 percent HST, you should vote “NO’ on your ballot” unquote.
Even if the HST is reduced to 10 percent in 2014 ( highly unlikely ) you will still be paying 100 percent more taxes on hundreds of everyday big and small goods and services.
How is it physically possible to double taxes on hundreds of goods and services and yet pay less taxes, is it or is it not a 2 billion dollar tax shift on to consumers, never mind the some $800 million dollars extra that his revenue neutral tax has already managed to suck out of the pockets of BCs workers, families and especially seniors that have been some of the biggest losers with this badly thought out tax grab.
Mr. Campbell and Mr. Falcon and those like them are quite happy the way BC politics is and has been played for the last decade, or in particular since this crowd got power and literally turned BC into a dictatorship ( 253 consecutive days the legislature did not sit ).
There is a watershed moment in political history available to the voters of BC, we can do as usual and turn the other cheek ensuring that politics in BC will carry on as usual, sleazy unethical, corrupt or we can literally change the way politics is practiced in BC, by setting a new higher standard for public officials, that says yes you shall be accountable for your actions, yes you shall pay a heavy price for lying and stealing.
We are at a crossroads and it is up to you whether all the effort to get to this crossroad is just a minor blip in same old game, or a new more honest, accountable form of democracy.
If you want a new era of accountable honest politicians, where elections are more than meaningless wastes of taxpayer money that less than half the voters even exercise their right to participate because they are seen to be just a sick joke at best.
We need politicians that are expected to be more honest, ethical and transparent, politicians that as a matter of course know they need to get a mandate from the people for any new polices they want to introduce.
PS Sadly the last illusions of democracy have been crushed, the peoples wish and lawful effort to extinguish the HST has been totally ignored by our government. We will just have to learn that we have to do what the government wants, anything else is just a fanciful illusion, wishful thinking back to a time when Canada actually was a democracy. The people just have to learn those days are gone, democracy has outlived it's usefulness.
Welcome to the Oligarchy of Canada.
Will the voters of BC really let this stand.
Wayne Clark
Vote yes to not only extinguish the HST, but for a whole long overdue new direction for politics and democracy in BC.
PS Sadly the last illusions of democracy have been crushed, the peoples wish and lawful effort to extinguish the HST has been totally ignored by our government. We will just have to learn that we have to do what the government wants, anything else is just a fanciful illusion, wishful thinking back to a time when Canada actually was a democracy. The people just have to learn those days are gone, democracy has outlived it's usefulness.
Welcome to the Oligarchy of Canada.
Will the voters of BC really let this stand.
Wayne Clark